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Day 305 | Joel warns of a locust plague | Hebrews 3: Jesus is greater than Moses
Day 305 | Joel warns of a locust plague | Hebrews 3: Jesus is greater than Moses

Day 305 | Joel warns of a locust plague | Hebrews 3: Jesus is greater than Moses

18 min
Day 305 of the Holy Bible One Year CHALLENGE. There's a big locust invasion that's ruining all the crops. Joel tells the people that this is a wake-up call from God. Things are really bad, and even the animals are sad because there's no food. Joel urges everyone to fast, cry, and gather at God's house to ask for His help. In Hebrews, the writer talks about how Jesus is greater than Moses. Just like a builder is more important than the house he built, Jesus is more important than Moses. But people should be careful. If they don't believe and trust in God, their hearts can become hard and they might turn away from Him. Support the show at Patreon. Find us at Join our Facebook group for further discussion: Joel: Introduction Joel 1 Joel 2:1-17 Hebrews 3 Psalm 119: 137-144 Chapter summaries are from Photo by Chris F from Pexels You're listening to the "Holy Bible One Year CHALLENGE" with Master Storyteller, Michael Wood. Featuring the Holy Bible Easy-to-Read version and used by permission from Bible League International #bible #biblestudy #bibleverseoftheday #BibleVerseChallenge #AudioBible #audiobible #audiobibles #audiobiblepodcast #audiobiblerecording #audiobiblewithmusic #audiobiblesuperproduction #biblepodcast #biblepodcasts #biblepodcaster #biblepodcast🎧 #biblepodcastforbusypeople

Day 305 | Joel warns of a locust plague | Hebrews 3: Jesus is greater than Moses

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